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Friday, June 06, 2008

Sacred Meaning of Triple six is Samyama

Sacred Meaning of Triple six is Samyama

Fourth** state of conciousness is Samyama.
Samyama or Divine (Higher) concentration is triple: dharana, dhyana and samadhi.

6 levels of conciousness**** give 6 types dharanas, dhyanas and samadhis - and together in all combinations this is real meaning triple six.

(6) dharana X (6) dhyana X (6) samadhi

Six levels in creation - Six day creation - Six levels of conciousness - Hexagram - Triple six - Samyama

Three levels of consciousness is concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana) and samadhi (state where the aspirant is in one conciousness with the object of his meditation).

First (and all time) is One Conciousness (God, Atman, Our Source, Father, Shiva, Krishna, Christ conciousness,..)
1. (First level/day is:)
Union conciousness without first reflection - when have only one conciousness without any other separation.
Execution Conciousness or first reflection - give potency all reflections conciousness in lower level or this is enter in union.
Intuition Conciousness or next reflection - have potency all reflections conciousness in lower level or this is enter in execution/union.
Cognition Conciousness or next reflection - have knowing all reflections conciousness in lower level or this is enter in intuition/execution/union.
Willing Conciousness or next reflection - have characteristics all reflections conciousness in lower level or this is enter in cognition/intuition/execution/union.
Feeling Conciousness or next reflection - have feeling of all reflections conciousness. which as particles conciousness have exact role in coming new conciousness stream from higher levels, or for resolving knowing this as smallest parts of conciousness) or this is enter in willing/cognition/intuition/execution/union.

Comeback in one conciousness is strict order from 6. to 1. Sadhaka/aspirant must follow and find base each reflection conciousness through completing 36 steps/Samyamas.

I open new topic "Sacred Meaning".
Real meaning change time, different mind and intellect power and through outside words which people used for described, people lose (through time) truthful value. And Shivayoga have similar history, in which few times recoveries truth about technique, and Shivayoga today have variations which is only small parts Shivayoga.

You probably know next: for protect knowledge only for small group (from old time in many religion/teachings) give in public few wrong meanings and change on this subtile way masters documents - on this way we lose contact with crucial points, and then only have mental disturbance and usually blocks if follow this teachings.
Usually we have many details about same topic. People have tendency for say old value on new way, and then we lose crucial meaning which is very simple.

Quotes about higher yoga - Shivayoga.

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