One from oldest teaching (with material proof 3000 BC) - Old Yoga or Shivayoga - today open for all people. This is best, simplest and easiest way for continue with develop each psychic life. This is way involved in all religion, mystically, scientifically,.. teachings.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Prefer intuition as main part of your life
With eye can see only physical plane, with etherical eye can see only on the mental plane, with causal eye can see only on the causal plane, and with Intuition Eye can see all on the soul level and all on lower planes.
In intuition knows are much deeper then physical, mental and causal levels can reflects through mind.
Sign opening Intuition Eye (Third Eye) is when all five outside senses sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste became One and inner.
When inner became source outside soul enter in process opening Intuition Eye.
Prefer intuition as main part of your life.
May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic
Perfect character is soul's part
Perfect character is inner result of yoga which soul can show outside.
Soul is perfect, but this must achieve through Guru's grace and this is only one possible way.
Equality between perfect character and soul is result yoga or harmony between God and soul.
Seeker of Truth achieve permanent the way (to own nature) when start changes character on the much better.
Perfect character is outside sign of realization yoga or harmony with own soul.
Only through achievement levels of perfect character obtain permanent results on the way to truth.
Perfect character is outside sign of realization own soul.
May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic
Result God’s doing is your enter for one steep deeper in own nature
Result God’s doing is your enter for one steep deeper in own nature
Follow God’s doing all others forget.
For find Our Source (God), follow inner light which is inside all as part of deeper inner vibration.
Fastest and best and easiest is follow God activities, and when soul became like God in own activities, all became resolve on fastest and best and easiest way.
Speak good, do good and think good, and then coming all best for your soul.
Result God’s doing is your enter for one steep deeper in own nature.
First you need your truly help for best doing on the way to pure self, with each your truly help others you stop serve own soul, and this your doing only God can harmonized through yoga or harmony, and Him usually call Master, Master of principle of conciousness, or Guru, or Gurudev (God as Guru).
Always perfect is when own doing is God’s doing.
Always perfect is when knows doing as God’s doing.
Always perfect is when knowing part of owner doing and part of God’s doing.
Always perfect is good doing for all, or when own soul pure doing.
Always in each soul’s pure doing is God’s doing.
First you must know own soul, and when this truly doing, your outside knowing became pure conciousness, and this is great doing.
May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic
Croatian version:
Rezultat Božjeg rada je tvoj ulazak za jedan korak dublje u vlastitu prirodu
Slijedi Božji rad sve ostalo zaboravi.
Za ostvarenje Našeg Izvora (Boga), slijedi nutarnje svijetlo, koje je unutar svega kao dio duboke nutarnje vibracije. Najbrže i najbolje i najlakše je slijediti Božje aktivnosti, i kada duša postane poput Boga u vlastitim aktivnostima, sve postane riješeno na najbrži i najbolji i najlakši način.
Govori dobro, radi dobro i misli dobro, i tada dolazi sve najbolje za tvoju dušu.
Rezultat Božjeg rada je tvoj ulazak za jedan korak dublje u vlastitu prirodu.
Prvo ti trebaš vlastitu iskrenu pomoć za najbolji rad na putu ka vlastitoj duši, i svakom tvojom iskrenom pomoći drugima, ti zaustavljaš služenje vlastitoj duši, i taj tvoj rad samo Bog može uskladiti kroz jogu ili harmoniju, i Njega uobičajeno nazivamo Majstorom, ili Glavnim principom svijesti, ili Učiteljem, ili Bogoučiteljem (Bog kao Učitelj).
Uvijek savršeno je kada vlastiti rad je Božji rad.
Uvijek savršeno je kada znaš rad kao Božji rad.
Uvijek savršeno je znati dio vlastitog rada i dio Božjeg rada.
Uvijek savršeno je dobro raditi za sve, ili kada vlastita duša čisto radi.
Uvijek u svakom čistom radu duše je Božji rad.
Prvo moraš znati vlastitu dušu, i kada to iskreno radiš, tvoja vanjsko saznanje postaje čista svijest, i to je velik rad.
Neka Bog blagoslovi tvoju dušu
Branko Ivatovic
Try hearty serve God through your help
Try hearty serve God through your help
Help self or others is God's test, because people can't perfect doing anything without God’s help, altruism is much greater then egoism, but what if just help man which continue with bad doing other people and you.
God always know much better what is necessary in each situation, and this must involved in each your intention and for help as superior part of your doing.
Best is asking God for help in each situation through best way or through inner changes and or on the much better doing.
Real help is when your or other ego not interferes in helping self or other soul.
Help only can God, and when this you doing, try hearty serve God through your help, and then help if coming is the best.
Egoism became bad doing, altruism became good doing when haven't nothing of egoism, altruism became perfect doing when you follow God doing or you became one steep deeper own nature.
Before start help self or other open own soul, all other is mostly dangerous help.
May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic
When spiritual interest is greater then words, doing and thinking, always deeper silence coming
The voids (emptiness, silence) are between causal-material world and soul world.
Conciousness is fullness or completeness, conciousness emanates parts of conciousness as thoughts through silences.
When spiritual interest is greater then words, doing and thinking, always deeper silence coming.
Each deeper silence is outside sign of higher harmonized statics and dynamics states of conciousness, and this is process of yoga or deeper and deeper harmony between Our Source and soul.
Silence outside (in your mind) as result silence inside became gate of conciousness.
May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic