Soul has only yoga or harmony as doing
Yoga or harmony is supreme action for soul.
Inseparable is finding God with finding own soul.
Conciousness is One, or this is God, and inseparable is finding God with finding own soul.
Soul achieve own nature when finish with yoga on all steps.
Finishing yoga is finding complete own nature.
Soul has only yoga as doing.
Soul way is doing yoga or harmony with each level of conciousness, through many inseparable statics and dynamics states of conciousness.
Without dynamic can’t touch or direct know static state which emanates this dynamic state of conciousness.
When yoga became only part of your life you finding and God and own soul.
Yoga is and own nature of God and soul.
Only soul's efforts give all soul, because God advance give soul each own effort as God's action, and this is act of yoga or harmony.
When part of One Conciousness complete self as part One Conciousness, became free of all parts conciousness in which involved on any way.
May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic
One from oldest teaching (with material proof 3000 BC) - Old Yoga or Shivayoga - today open for all people. This is best, simplest and easiest way for continue with develop each psychic life. This is way involved in all religion, mystically, scientifically,.. teachings.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Soul has only yoga or harmony as doing
All comes from One Conciousness
All comes from One Conciousness
In conciousness haven't duality, own soul follow only this.
Nature of all as part of One Conciousness is, part of direct creation, or part reflection of one part of One Conciousness.
Only from pure conciousness coming and going all lower parts (reflections) of conciousness.
One conciousness is completing (perfect) unique and this is Our Source.
You must all direct know (live in one conciousness) and only then haven't side effects.
Soul lives in One Conciousness as complete unique.
All comes from One Conciousness.
Soul is and personal part of One Conciousness, but conciousness never amorphous form likes idea of group conciousness.
Group doing is one type in our living, but haven't nothing with group conciousness, because conciousness is always one.
In same time God always directed (connected) only one soul (One conciousness not double off course), try all doing only on this valid way.
Group conciousness, group initiations, and all similar doing soul can't accept, this is very far of valid doing and reality.
May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic
Absolute knows reality in real and unreal
Absolute knows reality in real and unreal
Real life is nothing more then conciousness ordinary life, but when find in this fullness this is great.
Own awareness became full in achievement own (pure) soul.
Crucial in doing is finding pure love.
Only relevance of own soul is important.
Only one happiness is permanent and complete full, when finding own soul.
Great only when God present, and then you and I very very satisfied with our doing.
Thanks God for sharing deepest touching in conciousness through outside words.
Inspirations are beautiful when touched soul, then this is God's doing.
Focus on own soul is way.
In Jangama state or fullness dynamic conciousness all is now and present.
For soul is best bath in waterfall of fullness dynamic conciousness.
Best action is yoga or harmony between God and Soul.
Best action is soul action.
God direct recognized through each perfect beautiful highest dynamic activity.
Each your thought you must first intuitive received, and then have this idea, your soul is much greater.
Absolute is knowing reality in real and unreal.
May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic
Best action is part of pure conciousness
Best action is part of pure conciousness
Successes start with losing non-performance.
Activation is deactivation all obstructs of this acting.
Inactivity is best and good action gives best result.
Soul is supreme of each action, destruction and success.
When follow God's action soul is inactive, and when soul good doing then God doing.
Through good doing, human soul find own soul, each bad doing became obstruction on own way.
Best action is when reflection hasn’t.
Best action is part of soul's way.
Best action God directed.
Best action is part of pure conciousness.
Soul is always free from all, all advance doing God.
God not ask and not expect nothing from soul, all coming from God and when coming through soul.
Only soul's efforts give all soul, because God advance give soul each own effort as God's action, and this is act of yoga or harmony.
May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic
Love is what God gave you, and what you gave God
Love is what God gave you, and what you gave God
Welcome is sharing pure Love.
Best Action is Pure Love.
Doing without soul activities has side effect.
All is best what coming from soul.
Best when all doing coming from perfection of soul.
Doing when not interfere with lower part, only without side effect.
Doing which coming from soul isn’t lower doing.
Doing in Pure Conciousness is great.
When you are doing is God's doing, you gave Love.
Your Love is God Love.
Beautiful is when Love, God and Soul are inseparable.
Highest direction between God and soul is Love.
In manifestation of Love God, Love and Soul exchange role.
God is Love, and when receive God's Love you receive God in your soul.
Follow God's way, and give love.
Highest and purest connection between God and Soul is fullness love.
God give you first and all love and you can't give greater love God.
Love is what God gave you, and what you gave God.
May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic
Absolute Soul is enumerable beautiful rainbow of Lighted Light Maha Linga
Absolute Soul is enumerable beautiful rainbow of Lighted Light Maha Linga
Soul is one beautiful divine rainbow, as dance of 49 invisible rays without start and end in form Linga.
Our Source is static form, which is as supreme static vibration is and source supreme dynamic vibration of conciousness.
God is first, and all what created have support in God and His existence and not any other way.
Supreme existence is support all His parts and creations.
Like vibration is in all, and God is in all.
Supreme Conciousness is One Conciousness as all, when each part has small part of this Our Source.
Rainbow or fullness harmony on each level is soul way.
Soul is beautiful rainbow of matrix of seven static and seven dynamic invisibles rays (as 49 invisible rays) formed as Linga.
Absolute Soul is enumerable beautiful rainbow of Lighted Light, supreme matrix of enumerable static and enumerable dynamic invisibles rays formed Maha Linga.
Each reflection of soul is harmony or rainbow on each level.
Soul as pure bliss achieve bliss when enter in parts of own nature (levels of pure conciousness), and achieve bliss before comeback in lower levels.
God gave soul rainbow of soul nature or many types bliss (ananda).
May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic
Only through pure consciousness is soul way
Only through pure consciousness is soul way
Above each paradox is subtle matrix, and above this matrix are parts of pure conciousness.
When paradox close intellect activities, when any thoughts not disturb soul fixation in own conciousness state, soul enter in bliss and direct experiences own nature step by step.
Extremely is beautiful soul's way through fullness enumerable bliss.
Purest conciousness as greatest conciousness is and giver lower all level of great pure conciousness.
In purest conciousness greatest conciousness is and giver lower level of great pure conciousness.
Only through God giving or His Mercy is achievement or realization One Conciousness for soul.
Only through soul level of pure conciousness (intuitive capacity) coming achievement or realization One Conciousness.
God guide soul through soul's intuition capacity (at once or gradually).
Only soul's level of pure conciousness (intuitive capacity) is as achievement or realization One Conciousness.
For soul, best is gradually following inner sounds and inner lights.
Doubt and double haven't somewhat with you because you are part One Conciousness.
Leave all illusions through your state, you are One Conciousness.
You on the start and on the end, when this finds in middle, you are always what you are, and without any start and any end, One Conciousness.
Only through pure consciousness is soul way.
May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic