9ff7f79045aab1e598b2912c0081e85320618515 getLinks(); ?> Source: https://www.magenet.com/universal-plugin-installation-guide/

Monday, February 04, 2008

You have that which transcends Nada, Bindu, Kala.

"Oh! tell me who you are
Who lean upon your palm
Your sad disheveled head
And thread the pearls of tears.

The word they speak
Is the effulgent Linga;
The sound they make
Is the Supreme law.

When palate and lips
Conspire in the mouth,
You have that which transcends
Nada, Bindu, Kala.

Listen, Oh! fool!
Guheshvara's devotees.
Even though they speak,
Are immaculate!

From: Alama Prabhu: A Literary Genius

His Holiness Sri Kumarswamiji
Tapovana, Dharwad 3, Karnataka, India