One from oldest teaching (with material proof 3000 BC) - Old Yoga or Shivayoga - today open for all people. This is best, simplest and easiest way for continue with develop each psychic life. This is way involved in all religion, mystically, scientifically,.. teachings.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Do you ask self, where in this your resolving all is God, and how you then find God?
Do you ask self, why words disturb you?
Do you ask self, what is bad when words disturb you?
Do you ask self, what is good when words disturb you?
Do you ask self, which is perfect way for skip (no touch) words which disturb you?
Do you ask self, do good words greater then you?
Do you ask self, do any words greater then you?
Do you ask self, do any silence greater then you?
Do you ask self, which is perfect way for skip (no touch) words which not disturb you?
Do you ask self, how find way to God?
Do you ask self, which is shortest way to God?
Do you ask self, why God give bad?
Do you ask self, how God inside all this, where is you in this if God in this?
Do you ask self, which distinction between you and God, your probably think I am perfect and haven't nothing with bad or like God inherent in all, or your probably know all, and each start and end and points between?
Do you ask self, how are resolve any connection with bad?
Do you ask self, how are resolve any connection with anything?
Do you ask self, where in this "your resolving all" is God, and how you then find God?
May God Bless You
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Blue lighted light
Beautiful lighted light***
All is divine blue
Emergence with finest deepest radiant lighted white
Whited white find inside blue but whited white is always outside
What in this is Linga (One conciousness)
What in this is Guru (Divine Personal Radiant Conciousness)
What in this is Jangama (Divine Personal Dynamic Conciousness)
Ring in right ear lift me up head and I became dust under Guru padodaka
My heart became open and all find place inside
I fly higher, teardrops coming and outgoing, all time I only want God
I try go through this and all dissolve step by step in changes lights, sounds
Light which coming from immense distance and which inseparable close
And Om from all direction, without start and end, without any number connected - interminable Om
All wear off
I now want and next and knock to door Satya Loka, I want enter permanent for all time and finish with reincarnations
I want go and deeper through all higher levels which beyond Satya Loka
I know this, and please you remember only next, each of all of this not possible without Guru Love and Gurudev help
Shivoham Shivoham Shivoham
***Blue lighted light inseparably with whited white
May God Bless Your Soul
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Three and half as Linga
When have circle (usually we can on this symbolic way present God), we can make rotation through opposite points circle for 180 (half rotation), then have two circles when this two points touch direct through next rotation 180 (half). Now have two circle in one circle in one complete rotation from 360! In next rotation this circle we have four circles in one circle, and in next rotation we have eight circles in one circle. This three rotations and eight circles (each circle present principle of conciousness) in One circle is Highest Principle which as and Eight Principles in same time. Now is crucial point. We have half rotation more. What all time is static and complete inside, have dynamic form through which only we can know about this static. Simple saying is: last half rotation present inside as outside.
In three and half have all static principles conciousness, and outside dynamic form is three and half presentation same. This is exact Linga!
May Shambhu Bless Your Soul
Quotes about higher yoga - Shivayoga.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Sacred meaning of 108 As Number Divine Vibrations Of Divine Tetrahedron
Sacred meaning of 108 As Number Divine Vibrations Of Divine Tetrahedron
Sacred meaning of 108 as Number all independent Vibrations Of Perfect Tetrahedron on the Physical, Psychic, Sat-chit-ananda levels, and for Divine Tetrahedron
One very excellent and very beautiful meaning is: 108 ways guide to heart, or, on the 108 ways conciousness moment and conciousness stream open conciousness point, and then have potential for enter in conciousness.
One point in Three-Dimensional Space have three coordinates.
Each vibration of one point in Three-Dimensional Space definite with three points: first, middle and last, or 3x3= 9 coordinates.
Tetrahedron have 4 points, or 12 coordinates.
Each coordinate in Perfect Tetrahedron is independent and then vibration each coordinate present with 9 coordinates. 12 coordinates of four points, and 9 coordinates of vibration one point is 12x9 = 108. 108 present number vibrations one Tetrahedron. About physical we can have maximum 108 types experiences (108 bhuvanas).
Like Physical Tetrahedron we have Psychic Tetrahedron. Four different psychic moments make one Psychic Tetrahedron. Psychics Space have coordinate: tamas, rajas and satva. On the complete analog way 108 is total number vibrations of Psychic Tetrahedron in psychic space
When we lose lower nature and enter in Sat Chit Ananda or Higher Nature or in conciousness stream, then 108 is total number vibrations in Conciousness. Then lose Psychic and became Divine.
Four Divine points of God is: Father, Son, Mother and Divine Will (Lower Nature). This is Divine Tetrahedron which on analog way have 108 Divine Vibrations.
When complete recognized divine moment (enter in conciousness stream) in each of 108 vibrations we open for enter in Conciousness, which then can step by step completed.
This Divine Vibrations involved holy Linga, and help us through praxis Shivayoga.
Few sayings more about Truth as only one way:
Repeat mantra 108 times (minimum).
Earth is complete divine, all is divine, but each soul must alone recognized this (without higher Guru this is not open, because first through Guru's Grace soul must receive this as goal).
Way is from conciousness of Physical, Psychic, Sat-chit-ananda to total conciousness.
When each (from 108) coordinates is conciousness moment or conciousness stream, then only this is "one way".
May God Bless Your Soul With One From 108 Conciousness Way To God
Quotes about higher yoga - Shivayoga.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Om Namah Shivaya Meditation Mandala Gold Cosmic Flower 1
Om Namah Shivaya - Meditation Mandala - Gold Cosmic Flower 1
Topic is short about this mandala!
Shiva say: Find me beyond form.
Greatest is God in all.
Greatest is God Name.
Greatest is Om.
Greatest is Nam.
Greatest is Mam.
Greatest is Shim.
Greatest is Vam.
Greatest is Yam.
Greatest is God's Grace (which give all).
Greatest is God Love.
With Parampara Guru or Satguru blessings devotee repeating "Om Namah Shiva Ya" enter through Brahmarandhra beyond bindu chakra. This is enter in higher chakras then sahasrara.
Shortest generally about mandala/jantra/symbolic form:
Central invisible point of mantra/jantra is 9. part and this is enter beyond causal world (supracausal,..). Of course this is spot inner light which perform mandala/jantra!
Devotee can see Deva in form, subtile form, or without form when deva is entity highest levels.
May God Bless You Soul
Friday, June 06, 2008
Sacred Meaning of Triple six is Samyama
Sacred Meaning of Triple six is Samyama
Fourth** state of conciousness is Samyama.
6 levels of conciousness**** give 6 types dharanas, dhyanas and samadhis - and together in all combinations this is real meaning triple six.
(6) dharana X (6) dhyana X (6) samadhi
Six levels in creation - Six day creation - Six levels of conciousness - Hexagram - Triple six - Samyama
Three levels of consciousness is concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana) and samadhi (state where the aspirant is in one conciousness with the object of his meditation).
First (and all time) is One Conciousness (God, Atman, Our Source, Father, Shiva, Krishna, Christ conciousness,..)
1. (First level/day is:)
Union conciousness without first reflection - when have only one conciousness without any other separation.
Execution Conciousness or first reflection - give potency all reflections conciousness in lower level or this is enter in union.
Intuition Conciousness or next reflection - have potency all reflections conciousness in lower level or this is enter in execution/union.
Cognition Conciousness or next reflection - have knowing all reflections conciousness in lower level or this is enter in intuition/execution/union.
Willing Conciousness or next reflection - have characteristics all reflections conciousness in lower level or this is enter in cognition/intuition/execution/union.
Feeling Conciousness or next reflection - have feeling of all reflections conciousness. which as particles conciousness have exact role in coming new conciousness stream from higher levels, or for resolving knowing this as smallest parts of conciousness) or this is enter in willing/cognition/intuition/execution/union.
Comeback in one conciousness is strict order from 6. to 1. Sadhaka/aspirant must follow and find base each reflection conciousness through completing 36 steps/Samyamas.
I open new topic "Sacred Meaning".
Usually we have many details about same topic. People have tendency for say old value on new way, and then we lose crucial meaning which is very simple.
Quotes about higher yoga - Shivayoga.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Jnana Mudra (meditation outside form)
Jnana Mudra
There are two alternatives:
One position is called Jnana Mudra. Keep your right hand on the right knee and left hand on the left knee, keeping the palms turned up. Let the tip of the index finger touch the tip of the thumb with a slight pressure between them. Keep the other fingers straight. Thumb must be outside few millimeters, can't be in equal outside position with index finger. Index finger inside touch thumb - index finger present individual conciousness, and thumb present universal or higher conciousness which is always (and in meditation through hand position must be) higher. Of course soul (as individual conciousness) is smaller then One Conciousness or God. Logical explanation and is: two nadis on the centre index finger and on the centre thumb must be in direct touch when want properly use this mudra.
The alternative position is called Brahma Mudra. Keep both the hands on your lap one above the other by keeping the palms upturned. Let the left palm remain under the right one.
One good video link is - look 1:18 - 1:33 of Brahma Mudra variations.
Keep your eyes softly closed (without thinking, memory, visualization).
Concentration (way though conciousness) through middle eyebrows (depend of type meditation can be and on the neck, or heart, or ..) on the bindu (inner light forms) and nada (inner sounds forms on the right side). Each bindu have deeper subtle higher level and each nada (shabda) have deeper finer higher level, and this is only one and real way highest meditations.
Have higher chakras up sahasrara (sahasrara is main in causal/material part of world), and this is way for develop and realized all this levels.
Bhakti as pure conciousness with Guru love through Grace is absolute dominant point in this higher practices real yoga (which start up sahasrara chakra).
Om Namah Shivaya