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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Great is when silence became much greater

Great is when silence became much greater

Silence in thousands words is sign of love.
Silence in your heart in sign one of stages of love.
Silence fullness of love in your heart is one of stages bliss of love own soul.
Silence fullness of love in your heart in sign achievement one of stages own soul.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Highest Yoga (harmony) is part of God and soul

The Highest Yoga (harmony) is part of God and soul

All teachings in history have short lifes, only pure spirituality is real way of teaching - or soul's achievement fullness off harmony (yoga) through many reincarnations guide to Our Source (God or One Conciousness) as highest goal.
Be spiritual and not asking much outside, all is inside you.
Not follow other thinks, follow only own soul and find all!
Only your soul must all 'direct knows', not outside ways.
You (your soul) are 'complete on all ways', find this.

Highest Guru (God as Master) help soul in 'all doing through soul' - this is highest way in help and soul doing as One way.
Soul became same with Guru (God as Master), Linga (God) and Jangama (God as Divine Person Of Highest Dynamic Conciousness).
Entering in seventh level, or, level beyond all levels of conciousness, soul starting real live in One Conciousness, or on innumerable ways start live with God, and this is beyond all paradises.

Real saint collect the (divine) records of God (One Conciousness).
Saint who first enter in this divine process (jangama state) have longer and deeper records of God.
Each of this great souls which have the records of God have exact place in spirtual hierarchy - and all this great souls must go one level higher for make place for next soul which became youngest saint on lowest position.

Through The Highest Yoga soul created, and through The Highest Yoga soul became part of Our Source (God or One Conciousness).
The Highest yoga is divine way in recognized own nature as God's Nature.
The Highest Yoga have only one result, soul achieve own divine nature, or became small part of One Conciousness or God.
Only one point is crucial for each human soul, and this is the highest harmony which as part of God only can transform 'all outside conciousness moments' in fullness of purest conciousness of own soul as part of God.
Only through spiritual hierarchy God can show Self each soul, not other ways.
God is and The Highest  Harmony (Yoga) in all and with all.
The Highest Yoga (harmony) is part of God and soul.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Truth is Bestest Direction

Truth is Bestest Direction

Truth is in all directions of soul.

Truth is all directions of soul.

Truth is all directions about all.

Truth is all directions.


Truth is Superior.

Truth is Highest Direction

Truth and soul are the way, the goal and the achievement of the soul.

Truth and soul is perfection.

Truth and Soul a perfect match.

Truth and soul is perfect pair.

Life in Truth or "Satya Loka" (World of Truth) is fullness of peacefulness and purest love life.

Truth is a haven for the soul.

May God Bless Your Soul

Branko Ivatovic

Croatian version.

Istina je Najbolje usmjerenje

Istina je u svim smjerovima duše.

Istina su svi smjerovi duše.

Istina je u svim smjerovima o svemu.

Istina su svi smjerovi.


Istina je superiorna.

Istina je najviše Usmjerenje.

Istina i duša su put, cilj i postizanje duše.

Istina i duša je savršenstvo.

Istina i Duša savršeno odgovaraju.

Istina i duša su perfektan par.

Život u Istini ili Svijetu Istine (Satya Loka) je punina miroljubivosti i najčistijeg ljubavnog života.

Istina je utočište za dušu.

Neka ti Bog blagoslovi dušu

Branko Ivatović

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Became Purest Love and Lover

Indra net

Became Purest Love and Lover

When Love inside other Love.

When Lover inside other Lovers.

When Loving in (coming from) all Loving.

When Love in (coming from) all Love.

Love and Lover (in each level) is same pure Love.

Love and Lover coming of deeper level pure Love.

Love and Lover direct know from deeper level of pure Love.

Love and Lover created from higher pure Love.

Love and Lover (of each level which coming, which direct know and which created) have source in one of level pure Love.

Love and Lover reflected from higher level pure Love.

Love and Lover direct know from higher level pure Love.

Love and Lover direct created from higher level pure Love.

Source of last level of pure Love is Purest Love.

Purest Love lived in Purest Love.

Purest Love is like Purest Love.

Purest Love disappear in Purest Love.

May God Bless Your Soul


Indra net


Indra net

When object inside other objects.

When observer inside other observers.

When knowing in (coming from) all knowing.

When creation in (coming from) all creations.

Next four sentences valid for each of this four previously lines.

Conciousness of all objects and subjects in each level is same, and coming (reflected) from same source or pure conciousness of this level or of principle this level.

Conciousness of all objects and subjects in each level coming (reflected) from higher source or pure conciousness of next deeper level or of principle next deeper level.

Conciousness of all objects and subjects in each level direct know (reflected) from higher source or pure conciousness of next deeper level or of principle next deeper level.

Conciousness of all objects and subjects in each level created (reflected) from next higher source or pure conciousness of next deeper level or of principle next deeper level.

Next four sentences valid for each of this four previously lines.

Conciousness of all objects and subjects of each level: which coming, which know and which created have source in one of level pure conciousness.

Conciousness of all objects and subjects of each level: which coming, which know and which created reflected from one of higher level pure conciousness.

Conciousness of all objects and subjects of each level: which coming, which know and which created direct know from one of higher level pure conciousness.

Conciousness of all objects and subjects of each level: which coming, which know and which created direct created from one of higher level pure conciousness.

Minimum one of next four sentences valid for one of level pure conciousness of this four previously lines.

Source of last level of pure conciousness is Purest Conciousness.

Purest Conciousness lived in Purest Conciousness.

Purest Conciousness is like Purest Conciousness.

Purest Conciousness disappear in Purest Conciousness.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Looking, know and direct know conciousness as One Conciousness

Jambu Keshwarar

Looking, know and direct know conciousness as One Conciousness

Color or quality of lens directed quality of looking.

Maximum quality level of mind or intellect (which realized) can reflected only same or lover quality of know.

Achievement each concentration (meditation, Samadhi or ecstasy, samyama or higher concentration) of one of level conciousness is level of direct entering in this level of conciousness (for own soul).

Best lens is your soul.

Best color is 49 invisible rays which through divine dance 7 static and 7 dynamic principles of purest conciousness represent your soul (each soul is combinations different intensity of this 49 rays).

Best quality is direct entering in deeper and deeper levels of conciousness.

Best achievement is completed all 218 samyamas (higher concentrations).

Pure love is signing your nature.

Showing pure love is signing your realized quality of pure love.

Achievement each next level of pure love soul starts live in deeper soul life.

Best when purest love is signing your nature.

Best when through own purest love is open One Conciousness or God or Purest Love and Lower.

Best is achievement Purest Love.

Best is became Purest Love of any way.

May God Bless Your Soul

Branko Ivatovic


Links where public same writing:


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Greatest is when all disappear (in prayer) and when haven't prayer and haven't own soul, and all is God

Greatest is when all disappear (in prayer) and when haven't prayer and haven't own soul, and all is God

Good is do prayer with open heart (in consciousness)

Good is do prayer through open heart with own soul

Good is do prayer with own soul

Good is do prayer with God (One Conciousness) in own soul

God (present in) show Self as all of 108 directions (His vibrations)

Minimum one of these 108 divine connections is open for soul

Usually in repeating 108 times prayer soul find (in conciousness): or open heart, or in heart own soul, or direct own soul, or God in own soul

Great is prayers: in heart, soul in heart, in soul, and God in soul

Great only became when this find inside (without ego, mind, intellect activities) or through pure conciousness levels

Great is when only lived this real prayer (all is divine vibrations of endless repeating prayer)

Greatest is when all disappear (in prayer/meditation) and when haven't prayer and haven't own soul, and all is God

May God Bless Your Soul

Branko Ivatovic



Only few Gurus/Masters/God as Teachers, have grace for give this soul and then can guide soul to this highest states of Purest Conciousness (Purest love) or God. For this highest achievement is and one very old techniques Shivayoga (God harmony) which secret part re-teach Master of Shivayoga H.H. Mahatapasvi Shri Kumaraswamiji – inner vibration and inner light is this only one way to Our Source (One Conciousness).

Friday, January 14, 2011

Soul way is direct recognized all conciousness as Divine conciousness

Soul way is direct recognized all conciousness as Divine conciousness

Soul became conciousness in all moments (of One Conciousness)

Soul start live in permanent Life of conciousness (of One Conciousness)

Soul start direct know all Life of conciousness (of One Conciousness)

Soul start live in creation all conciousness (of One Conciousness)

Soul start live in open all conciousness (of One Conciousness)

Soul start live in all conciousness of One Conciousness

May God Bless Your Soul

Branko Ivatovic


This is short lines about "Six days" creation or six great levels regarding Shivayoga (God harmony) philosophy - outside conciousness is reflection deeper level of conciousness, outside conciousness last became and first must be realized - order is inverse, or last reflected level must be first realized, in each other way soul must comeback for finish on this way!