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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Your optimism is bright of your life

Your optimism is bright of your life

Your optimism must be much greater then all other optimisms.
Your optimism must be regards others optimisms like Gulliver between Lilliputians.

With optimism your doing can became and perfect.

Best is when achieve optimism in each situation as "All is much better then look".

Optimism became light of life, when optimist became driver of life.
Your optimism is bright of your life.

Be irreparable optimist.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Croatian version:

Tvoj optimizam je svijetlo tvog života

Tvoj optimizam mora biti mnogo veći od svih drugih optimizama.
Tvoj optimizam mora se odnositi prema drugim optimizmima poput Gulivera među Liliputancima.

S optimizmom tvoj rad može postati i perfektan.

Najbolje je kada postigneš optimizam u svakoj situaciji kao „Sve je mnogo bolje nego što izgleda”.

Optimizam postaje svijetlo života, kada optimizam postane vozač života.

Tvoj optimizam je svijetlo tvog života.

Budi nepopravljivi optimist.

Neka Bog blagoslovi tvoju dušu
Branko Ivatović

Beautiful is when all and inside and outside is Beautiful

Beautiful is when all and inside and outside is Beautiful

Beautiful is when all and inside and outside is Beautiful, because Beautiful is divine nature.

literally are not accept syntagma: “In health body is health spirit” – because soul is always BEAUTIFUL (and pure, and perfect), spirit have base on soul as outside reflections, but spirit usually not perfect, pure, beautiful, immortal,.., like soul.

Good spirit is only reflection part of soul, and then can became health and beautiful and body or part of body.

Beautiful first must follow through character and very nice when beautiful go deeper and show through parts of body, or complete body.
Real Beautiful come from inside never from outside.
Immutability is primary quality of real beauty.
Outside beautiful without inside support is only moment of beauty.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Croatian version:

Prekrasno je kad je sve i iznutra i izvana prekrasno

Prekrasno je kad je sve i iznutra i izvana prekrasno, jer ljepota je božanska priroda.

Obično doslovno ne prihvaćamo sintagmu: „U zdravom tijelu je zdrav duh.“ – jer duša je uvijek lijepa (i čista i perfektna), duh ima osnovu u duši kao vanjska refleksija, i duh obično nije perfektan, čist, lijep, besmrtan,.., poput duše.

Dobar duh je sama refleksija duše, i tada može postati zdravo i lijepo, i tijelo ili dio od tijela.

Lijepota najprije slijedi kroz karakter, i jako je lijepo kada ljepota ide dublje i pokazuje se i kroz dijelove tijela, ili cijelo tijelo.
Stvarna ljepota dolazi iznutra, nikad izvana.
Nepromjenjivost je primarna osobina stvarne ljepote.
Izvanjska ljepota bez unutarnje podrške je samo moment ljepote.

Neka Bog blagoslovi tvoju dušu
Branko Ivatović

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Soul has only yoga or harmony as doing

Soul has only yoga or harmony as doing

Yoga or harmony is supreme action for soul.
Inseparable is finding God with finding own soul.
Conciousness is One, or this is God, and inseparable is finding God with finding own soul.
Soul achieve own nature when finish with yoga on all steps.
Finishing yoga is finding complete own nature.
Soul has only yoga as doing.
Soul way is doing yoga or harmony with each level of conciousness, through many inseparable statics and dynamics states of conciousness.
Without dynamic can’t touch or direct know static state which emanates this dynamic state of conciousness.
When yoga became only part of your life you finding and God and own soul.
Yoga is and own nature of God and soul.
Only soul's efforts give all soul, because God advance give soul each own effort as God's action, and this is act of yoga or harmony.
When part of One Conciousness complete self as part One Conciousness, became free of all parts conciousness in which involved on any way.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

All comes from One Conciousness

All comes from One Conciousness

In conciousness haven't duality, own soul follow only this.
Nature of all as part of One Conciousness is, part of direct creation, or part reflection of one part of One Conciousness.
Only from pure conciousness coming and going all lower parts (reflections) of conciousness.
One conciousness is completing (perfect) unique and this is Our Source.
You must all direct know (live in one conciousness) and only then haven't side effects.
Soul lives in One Conciousness as complete unique.

All comes from One Conciousness.
Soul is and personal part of One Conciousness, but conciousness never amorphous form likes idea of group conciousness.
Group doing is one type in our living, but haven't nothing with group conciousness, because conciousness is always one.
In same time God always directed (connected) only one soul (One conciousness not double off course), try all doing only on this valid way.
Group conciousness, group initiations, and all similar doing soul can't accept, this is very far of valid doing and reality.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Absolute knows reality in real and unreal

Absolute knows reality in real and unreal

Real life is nothing more then conciousness ordinary life, but when find in this fullness this is great.
Own awareness became full in achievement own (pure) soul.
Crucial in doing is finding pure love.
Only relevance of own soul is important.
Only one happiness is permanent and complete full, when finding own soul.
Great only when God present, and then you and I very very satisfied with our doing.

Thanks God for sharing deepest touching in conciousness through outside words.
Inspirations are beautiful when touched soul, then this is God's doing.
Focus on own soul is way.
In Jangama state or fullness dynamic conciousness all is now and present.
For soul is best bath in waterfall of fullness dynamic conciousness.
Best action is yoga or harmony between God and Soul.
Best action is soul action.
God direct recognized through each perfect beautiful highest dynamic activity.
Each your thought you must first intuitive received, and then have this idea, your soul is much greater.
Absolute is knowing reality in real and unreal.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Best action is part of pure conciousness

Best action is part of pure conciousness

Successes start with losing non-performance.
Activation is deactivation all obstructs of this acting.
Inactivity is best and good action gives best result.
Soul is supreme of each action, destruction and success.
When follow God's action soul is inactive, and when soul good doing then God doing.
Through good doing, human soul find own soul, each bad doing became obstruction on own way.

Best action is when reflection hasn’t.
Best action is part of soul's way.
Best action God directed.
Best action is part of pure conciousness.
Soul is always free from all, all advance doing God.
God not ask and not expect nothing from soul, all coming from God and when coming through soul.

Only soul's efforts give all soul, because God advance give soul each own effort as God's action, and this is act of yoga or harmony.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Love is what God gave you, and what you gave God

Love is what God gave you, and what you gave God

Welcome is sharing pure Love.
Best Action is Pure Love.
Doing without soul activities has side effect.
All is best what coming from soul.
Best when all doing coming from perfection of soul.
Doing when not interfere with lower part, only without side effect.
Doing which coming from soul isn’t lower doing.
Doing in Pure Conciousness is great.

When you are doing is God's doing, you gave Love.
Your Love is God Love.
Beautiful is when Love, God and Soul are inseparable.
Highest direction between God and soul is Love.
In manifestation of Love God, Love and Soul exchange role.
God is Love, and when receive God's Love you receive God in your soul.
Follow God's way, and give love.
Highest and purest connection between God and Soul is fullness love.
God give you first and all love and you can't give greater love God.
Love is what God gave you, and what you gave God.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Absolute Soul is enumerable beautiful rainbow of Lighted Light Maha Linga

Absolute Soul is enumerable beautiful rainbow of Lighted Light Maha Linga

Soul is one beautiful divine rainbow, as dance of 49 invisible rays without start and end in form Linga.
Our Source is static form, which is as supreme static vibration is and source supreme dynamic vibration of conciousness.
God is first, and all what created have support in God and His existence and not any other way.
Supreme existence is support all His parts and creations.
Like vibration is in all, and God is in all.
Supreme Conciousness is One Conciousness as all, when each part has small part of this Our Source.
Rainbow or fullness harmony on each level is soul way.

Soul is beautiful rainbow of matrix of seven static and seven dynamic invisibles rays (as 49 invisible rays) formed as Linga.
Absolute Soul is enumerable beautiful rainbow of Lighted Light, supreme matrix of enumerable static and enumerable dynamic invisibles rays formed Maha Linga.
Each reflection of soul is harmony or rainbow on each level.
Soul as pure bliss achieve bliss when enter in parts of own nature (levels of pure conciousness), and achieve bliss before comeback in lower levels.
God gave soul rainbow of soul nature or many types bliss (ananda).

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Only through pure consciousness is soul way

Only through pure consciousness is soul way

Above each paradox is subtle matrix, and above this matrix are parts of pure conciousness.
When paradox close intellect activities, when any thoughts not disturb soul fixation in own conciousness state, soul enter in bliss and direct experiences own nature step by step.
Extremely is beautiful soul's way through fullness enumerable bliss.
Purest conciousness as greatest conciousness is and giver lower all level of great pure conciousness.
In purest conciousness greatest conciousness is and giver lower level of great pure conciousness.
Only through God giving or His Mercy is achievement or realization One Conciousness for soul.
Only through soul level of pure conciousness (intuitive capacity) coming achievement or realization One Conciousness.
God guide soul through soul's intuition capacity (at once or gradually).
Only soul's level of pure conciousness (intuitive capacity) is as achievement or realization One Conciousness.
For soul, best is gradually following inner sounds and inner lights.
Doubt and double haven't somewhat with you because you are part One Conciousness.
Leave all illusions through your state, you are One Conciousness.
You on the start and on the end, when this finds in middle, you are always what you are, and without any start and any end, One Conciousness.
Only through pure consciousness is soul way.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Friday, November 27, 2009

Prefer intuition as main part of your life

Prefer intuition as main part of your life

With eye can see only physical plane, with etherical eye can see only on the mental plane, with causal eye can see only on the causal plane, and with Intuition Eye can see all on the soul level and all on lower planes.

In intuition knows are much deeper then physical, mental and causal levels can reflects through mind.

Sign opening Intuition Eye (Third Eye) is when all five outside senses sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste became One and inner.
When inner became source outside soul enter in process opening Intuition Eye.
Prefer intuition as main part of your life.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Perfect character is soul's part

Perfect character is soul's part

Perfect character is inner result of yoga which soul can show outside.
Soul is perfect, but this must achieve through Guru's grace and this is only one possible way.
Equality between perfect character and soul is result yoga or harmony between God and soul.
Seeker of Truth achieve permanent the way (to own nature) when start changes character on the much better.
Perfect character is outside sign of realization yoga or harmony with own soul.
Only through achievement levels of perfect character obtain permanent results on the way to truth.

Perfect character is outside sign of realization own soul.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Result God’s doing is your enter for one steep deeper in own nature

Result God’s doing is your enter for one steep deeper in own nature

Follow God’s doing all others forget.

For find Our Source (God), follow inner light which is inside all as part of deeper inner vibration.
Fastest and best and easiest is follow God activities, and when soul became like God in own activities, all became resolve on fastest and best and easiest way.
Speak good, do good and think good, and then coming all best for your soul.

Result God’s doing is your enter for one steep deeper in own nature.
First you need your truly help for best doing on the way to pure self, with each your truly help others you stop serve own soul, and this your doing only God can harmonized through yoga or harmony, and Him usually call Master, Master of principle of conciousness, or Guru, or Gurudev (God as Guru).

Always perfect is when own doing is God’s doing.
Always perfect is when knows doing as God’s doing.
Always perfect is when knowing part of owner doing and part of God’s doing.
Always perfect is good doing for all, or when own soul pure doing.
Always in each soul’s pure doing is God’s doing.

First you must know own soul, and when this truly doing, your outside knowing became pure conciousness, and this is great doing.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Croatian version:

Rezultat Božjeg rada je tvoj ulazak za jedan korak dublje u vlastitu prirodu

Slijedi Božji rad sve ostalo zaboravi.

Za ostvarenje Našeg Izvora (Boga), slijedi nutarnje svijetlo, koje je unutar svega kao dio duboke nutarnje vibracije. Najbrže i najbolje i najlakše je slijediti Božje aktivnosti, i kada duša postane poput Boga u vlastitim aktivnostima, sve postane riješeno na najbrži i najbolji i najlakši način.
Govori dobro, radi dobro i misli dobro, i tada dolazi sve najbolje za tvoju dušu.

Rezultat Božjeg rada je tvoj ulazak za jedan korak dublje u vlastitu prirodu.
Prvo ti trebaš vlastitu iskrenu pomoć za najbolji rad na putu ka vlastitoj duši, i svakom tvojom iskrenom pomoći drugima, ti zaustavljaš služenje vlastitoj duši, i taj tvoj rad samo Bog može uskladiti kroz jogu ili harmoniju, i Njega uobičajeno nazivamo Majstorom, ili Glavnim principom svijesti, ili Učiteljem, ili Bogoučiteljem (Bog kao Učitelj).

Uvijek savršeno je kada vlastiti rad je Božji rad.

Uvijek savršeno je kada znaš rad kao Božji rad.
Uvijek savršeno je znati dio vlastitog rada i dio Božjeg rada.
Uvijek savršeno je dobro raditi za sve, ili kada vlastita duša čisto radi.
Uvijek u svakom čistom radu duše je Božji rad.

Prvo moraš znati vlastitu dušu, i kada to iskreno radiš, tvoja vanjsko saznanje postaje čista svijest, i to je velik rad.

Neka Bog blagoslovi tvoju dušu
Branko Ivatovic

Try hearty serve God through your help

Try hearty serve God through your help

Help self or others is God's test, because people can't perfect doing anything without God’s help, altruism is much greater then egoism, but what if just help man which continue with bad doing other people and you.

God always know much better what is necessary in each situation, and this must involved in each your intention and for help as superior part of your doing.

Best is asking God for help in each situation through best way or through inner changes and or on the much better doing.
Real help is when your or other ego not interferes in helping self or other soul.

Help only can God, and when this you doing, try hearty serve God through your help, and then help if coming is the best.

Egoism became bad doing, altruism became good doing when haven't nothing of egoism, altruism became perfect doing when you follow God doing or you became one steep deeper own nature.

Before start help self or other open own soul, all other is mostly dangerous help.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

When spiritual interest is greater then words, doing and thinking, always deeper silence coming

When spiritual interest is greater then words, doing and thinking, always deeper silence coming

The voids (emptiness, silence) are between causal-material world and soul world.

Conciousness is fullness or completeness, conciousness emanates parts of conciousness as thoughts through silences.

When spiritual interest is greater then words, doing and thinking, always deeper silence coming.

Each deeper silence is outside sign of higher harmonized statics and dynamics states of conciousness, and this is process of yoga or deeper and deeper harmony between Our Source and soul.

Silence outside (in your mind) as result silence inside became gate of conciousness.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Forget all primary life is now

Forget all primary life is now

Forget past, primary (primordial) life is now.
Forget future, primary life is now.
Forget mind activities, primary life is now.
Forget intellect activities, primary life are now.
Forget comeback, primary life is now.
Forget all, primordial life is now.

Forget past because soul primary live in now.
Forget future because soul primary live in now.
Forget mind activities because soul primary live in now.
Forget intellect activities because soul primary live in now.
Forget comeback because soul primary live in now.
Forget all because soul primary live in now.

Never say negative thought or any doing in now.
You are not sinner; this connected for few past or maybe future moments and always when lost connection with now.
I am soul and I and I am pure part of God and I am perfect.
Off course all doing in past and future probably not perfect, but this is because lost living in now or when live without intention I am part One Conciousness.

Now is much greater then all past and all future, because without now nothing in past and future.
Now is must richer then all, and all past and all future is only few reflections of now.
Now is part of fullness pure love incomparable greater then all shared pure love in past and future.
Now is part of soul.
Now is part of God.

Please remember, God never forget because He not limited with creation, but this great perfection realized soul when achieve union conciousness with God, because this is state of realized soul.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Finding own soul you find all

Finding own soul you find all

Without heart (space of conciousness) soul can't live outside, because this is soul gate in outside world, or way as connection to outside part of world of own soul.
Through point of conciousness (heart) you find own soul.
Through each point of unity static and dynamic moment of conciousness you one step near own soul, and this can only doing through heart, but soul can find deep in (beyond) heart.
Through your heart, you finding own soul and through soul Our Source.

Finding own soul you find all.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

With Guru all best coming for your soul

With Guru all best coming for your soul

Only purest conciousness beyond form can help soul in achievement all conciousness in form and beyond form.
Purest conciousness as Divine Radiant Personal Light is Guru (Master).
Conciousness way is only one way, used heart or conciousness place when can transform lower in pure conciousness through Grace of Gurudev.

Without God haven’t Guru and Jangama.
Without Jangama haven’t God and Guru.
Without Guru Soul can't find own soul
Without Guru Soul can't achieve Jangama state or state of divine dynamic conciousness beyond all levels of pure conciousness, and this is highest goal for soul, or state of Divine Son which same with Father.
Only as Jangama soul can enter in union conciousness with God and Guru.

God, Guru and Jangama are soul realization through purest union conciousness.
Linga (God), Guru and Jangama is One Conciousness.
Soul is in achievement union with Linga (God), Gurudev and Jangama.
Without Guru Soul can't find God.

Finds, your soul, Our Source, Gurudev (Master) and Perfect Soul (Jangama), or finds divine life in unity.
With Guru all best coming for your soul.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Start living with Grace of your inner Guru which is beyond form

Start living with Grace of your inner Guru which is beyond form

Mainly opposite thinking of usually give result in finding spiritual direction, because people mostly wasted connection with Truth accepting partial and outside and wrong meaning about many topics.
Not follow usually meaning and doing and tradition rules, try find much valued meaning in each thought, and only then can find real Guru inside you, because this became only signs of many helps your Guru.
Guru wait you many your reincarnations and wait to show you His own nature beyond form, and help you through Grace.
If you find Guru this is almost bad choice, because you can't be higher then Guru and haven't any valid criteria for this.

Not seek your Guru, real Guru coming when you start with heartily finding Our Source (God).
Follow pure conciousness this is spiritual life.
Initiation is real only if God present and only God as Guru (Gurudev) give Initiation.

Who ask and pay for God's property or God’s doing (as what is and Initiation), go to hell.

What all need give you God, and never pay for way to God. (Never pay for spirituality).

When haven't difference in doing, knowing, soul and Absolute, you know purest self.
With follow absolute doing (Divine Plan) soul haven't side effects (sin, karma).
Best when soul achieve outside doing, knowing doing, best doing and absolute doing as one doing.
One is Our Source and You.
Became One, this is you.
You must direct accept where is your position, one is your outside knowing pure self, one is level your realization own soul, one is divine qualities your pure soul, one is Absolute soul - and best when achieve "direct knowing" or became One Conciousness with this all.

Through own heart (conciousness space) find own soul, and find inside your soul real Guru which help you in this spiritual process.

Start living with Grace of your inner Guru which is beyond form.
Start living with Grace of your real Guru which is beyond form.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Start living with God blessing

Start living with God blessing

Follow only own soul, not any mind, thought, intellect.
Soul not limited and can change all on the much better.
Beautiful is achievement state of not asking.

Simplest and powerfulness way for asking blessing is doing prayer “He Prabho Praseed Aum”, or “O God Bless Soul” on English, or translate and used on other language.
One of best asking is blessing for free from all previously asking (and almost all blessings).
Without God's blessing you haven't highest confirmation for your doing, and result is mostly with side effects.
For each your prayer knows only God, and God give you all what best for you.
You always ask direct service from God, never from others.
Start living with God blessing.

Direct ask blessings for achieve all necessary as base for direct guide own soul from your real Guru.
Direct ask blessings for resolve all your doing.
Direct ask blessings for achieve own nature.

One of best achievement is permanent blessing.
Best achievement is permanent blessing of Guru and God and Jangama as soul state.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Friday, November 20, 2009

Following pure conciousness is living without side effects

Following pure conciousness is living without side effects

Following outside reflections of conciousness without (when wasted or haven't) source of this conciousness is side effects.
Conciousness is pure and without side effects.
Following conciousness is without side effects.
Enter in conciousness is without side effects.
Following pure conciousness is living without side effects.
Living in pure conciousness is living without side effects.

Only superior doing is without side effects.
Superior doing is following Divine Plan.
Lost the living in word go to doing, lost the living in doing go to thinking, lost the living in thinking go to heart, lost any from this type living and go to heart, lost the living in heart and live as soul free from all.
Conciousness traveling through levels of pure conciousness is without side effects.
Shivayoga best and easiest, and without side effects!
Superior doing is complete living in One Conciousness.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

All is part of God or One Conciousness

All is part of God or One Conciousness

Achievement awaking state of conciousness (form), sleep state of conciousness (subtle form) and deep sleep state of conciousness (deeper subtle form or beyond form) through concentration, meditation and samadhi (ecstasy) is base for samyama (Higher Concentration) or own realization of yoga (harmony) states between God and Soul.

Samayama is perfection of conciousness which have one manifestation/level of world.

One Conciousness is pure fullness conciousness and have gradation inside which guide soul to fullness of conciousness – this is principle of Master or Gurudev or Adi Guru or Mula Guru or Sat Guru or Param Guru or Real Guru.

Soul is pure conciousness and without limit when enter in conciousness of form.

Much greater, deeper is One conciousness then conciousness of form.
Achievement levels of direct experiences form of principles of pure conciousness is base of pure conciousness for higher direct experiences of subtle form principles pure conciousness.
Much greater, deeper is One conciousness then conciousness of subtle form.
Achievement levels of direct experiences subtle form of principles of pure conciousness is base of pure conciousness for higher direct experiences of deeper subtle form principles pure conciousness.
Much greater, deeper is One Conciousness then conciousness of deeper subtle form or conciousness beyond form.
Direct experiences of pure conciousness is base for higher direct experiences of own conciousness (soul).
Achievement levels of direct experiences deeper subtle form of principles of pure conciousness is base of pure conciousness for higher direct experiences of One Conciousness.

Direct experiences own conciousness (soul) is base for higher direct experiences of One Conciousness.

Conciousness of form, conciousness of subtle form, and conciousness of deeper form (beyond form), pure conciousness, and soul is reflections of One Conciousness.

Direct experiences of One Conciousness is superior all other experiences together.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

When Conciousness inside is and conciousness outside without any distinction, soul is realized

When Conciousness inside is and conciousness outside without any distinction, soul is realized

Free soul is without limit in lower forms.

Seed is seed and for realized and unrealized soul, but difference is opposite sides in conciousness, realized direct know all about this seed, unrealized have only few outside conciousness moment about this seed.

When speak about conciousness we through thought wont give source of thought what is impossible doing.

When Conciousness inside is and conciousness outside without any distinction, soul is realized.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

One Conciousness is allpervading

One Conciousness is allpervading

Ego through mind and intellect haven't direct informations.
Ego can't achieve all reflections connected with any object at once.
Ego can't direct achieve reflection from One Conciousness; for this is only own soul.
Mind and intellect gave soul only small fragments of conciousness.
Became great when soul disappear own mind’s and intellect’s activities, and open heart (conciousness point).

Mirror of One Conciousness is where all reflections (connected with any reflection) are at once.
Nothing outside, there is only the mirror of God’s Consciousness.
Divine Will appears in the mirror of His Consciousness.
Reflection of Absolutely Independent Will of God is the seed of everything.
Soul lives in fullness of conciousness and direct knows all conciousness.

Reflection of pure conciousness exists and not anything that is reflected, this is definition of reality.
Reflection of Our Source is reality, and not other nature of object.
Not other object different from reflection of pure conciousness.
Reflection of pure conciousness isn’t double.
Each object is reflection part of God Conciousness.
Object is cause of reflection One Conciousness.

In fullness conciousness all inside is outside and opposite.
One Conciousness is free from all directions of conciousness.
One Conciousness is free from all static levels of conciousness.
One Conciousness is free from all dynamic levels of conciousness.
One Conciousness is free from all levels of soul’s nature.
One Conciousness is free from all union levels of conciousness.
One Conciousness is allpervading.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Soul is beyond thinking

Soul is beyond thinking

Thinking is mostly outside doing with thoughts and without.
Thinking is almost connection with corresponding part of creation, or reflection.
Always wrong doer (enjoyer in mostly thinking) wasted own position in higher parts creations and fall to lowers parts of creations.
Thinking without reality is wrong.
Thinking without achievement observer position is mostly dangerous.
Best is all doing in pure conciousness, or without interaction with thinking.

Be conciousness always and when thinking.
Be conciousness always and when thinking without thoughts.
Who believed and not know God, not believed, and must first remove wrong believe, and then can achieve base of believe.
Who not believed not know God, and haven’t wrong believe for remove, and can (maybe from one day) achieve base of believe.
Best is say mostly all which believed in God, "God not exist", and best say mostly all which not believed, “God exist”, because Truth is always greater then own position (this people) in achievement truth regarding existence of God.
Best believe is when achieved direct know, or, I not believe I know, God exist.

Complete is 36 tatvas or essential nature of thinking, best choice is 5 pure tatvas, or when thinking became part of conciousness.
Best when all became part pure conciousness, or when all know as reflections of One Conciousness.
Soul haven't side effects when all doing through 5 pure tatvas.
Soul have choice supervise one from 36 tatvas, and best when this doing through 5 pure tatvas, or with 5 different levels of conciousness.
When you allow different thinking, one of level of silence became your position.
When you allow different truth then you know, you have open way to conciousness and Truth.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

One Conciousness is beyond all principles of conciousness

One Conciousness is beyond all principles of conciousness

Beyond each principle of conciousness is One Conciousness.
Through part of conciousness can't direct know whole conciousness, and only valid opposite as way.
Only through Whole Conciousness direct know about all parts of conciousness.
Knowing reality of reflection is direct knowing this reflection as reflection of One Conciousness, or as one part of One Conciousness manifold expansion.
Reality is part One Conciousness.

Bath in divine energy is soul way to own nature.
Living on many levels and enter in pure conciousness is soul doing.
Finding source of reflection is soul nature.
Enter in pure conciousness follow through Gurudev giving.
Achievement each level of pure conciousness follows through Gurudev giving.
Completing all (which open from Gurudev) levels of pure conciousness is realization soul nature.

God is always deepest and between two conciousness stream.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

You can know

You can know

Each foot of cosmos
Each drop in cosmos
Each flaming of fire in cosmos
Each volume of air in cosmos
Each possibility in cosmos
But all this incomparable small with knowing own soul.

Each footstep of own soul
Each drop of own life
Each fire of own nature
Each expansion of own creation
Each own possibility of soul
Became great when follow God.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Good is color each soul doing

Good is color each soul doing

Rules not God
Rules not way to God
Rules not God's religion
Rules is for control you
When follow rules soul not live in pure conciousness

Good is higher then rules
Good can't teach
Good is deepest inside soul
Good is soul nature
Good is color each soul doing

Follow Good is rule beyond rules
Good is action purest conciousness
Good is integration with self nature
Good is revelation of own pure soul
Soul through yoga (harmony between God and Soul) achieve and Good as God

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

We are Lighted Light of hand

We are Lighted Light of hand

We are Lighted Light of hand
Bliss of ecstasy
Direct knowing one other
Best Friend each other

We beyond our fears
Know nature each other's tears
Find happiness each other
Share all

We are disappear darkness
Ending pessimism
One Conciousness
Fullness of ecstasy

We wasted embrace sorrow
Decrease and wasted pain each other
Find immortal nature
Transcendent through forgiveness all bad doing each other

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

One Conciousness is in all

One Conciousness is in all.

One Conciousness is in all and as static conciousness or Truth.
One Conciousness is in all and as dynamic conciousness or Pure Will.

One Conciousness is in all and as static conciousness and dynamic conciousness which inseparable one another.
One Conciousness is in all and pure will of static conciousness and dynamic conciousness which inseparable one another.
One Conciousness is in all and will (reflection of pure will) of static conciousness and dynamic conciousness which inseparable one another.
One Conciousness is in all and pure soul of static conciousness and dynamic conciousness which inseparable one another.

One Conciousness is in all.
One Conciousness is in all beyond forms.
One Conciousness is in all forms.

One Conciousness is and soul of form and “form beyond form” in all.

One Conciousness is matrix of all.
All is reflections of One Conciousness.
All is purest will of One Conciousness.
All souls is reflections of One Conciousness.

All is all forms and “forms beyond forms" of One Conciousness.

One Conciousness serve separately (each part of) all.
One Conciousness harmonized separately (each part of) all.
Outside of One Conciousness haven't "separation or reflection” of all or any part.
Reflection of One Conciousness as form or “form beyond form” is part One Conciousness.

May God Bless Your Soul
Branko Ivatovic

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Always present only small good is great

Always present only small good is great


Who always live with small good, their any bad never can’t start.

Who always live with small good, their any bad never can’t touch.

Who always live with small good, they never can’t involve in bad.

Who always live with small good, they never can’t touch any pain.

Who always live with small good, they never can’t touch any sickness.


Simple living in small good is much greater then living with bad.


Life in small good became perfect, because for bad haven’t place.


Who always live with small good, they listening heart (conciousness), and never not follow own (or others) intellect and mind.

Who enter in living with small good, they always follow inner light.

Who enter in living with small good, they always follow inner sound.

Who deeper enter in living with small good, they always live in inner sound and light.

Who always live with small good, they start teaching living in soul.


May God Bless Your Soul


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Few words through which soul try touching Truth

Few words through which soul try touching Truth
Ego through mind paraphrase Truth, but Soul direct know Truth.
Word and meaning without soul can't touch Truth.
Word and meaning which connected with Truth is higher conciousness moments.
Truth is higher then words and meaning, because give all, and all words, and all meanings.
All Truth can't given with words and meaning, because only very small part of Truth can involved in all words and all meanings.
Truth is higher then thinking without thoughts, but closer in thinking without thoughts, then in words and meaning.
Truth can first give and form beyond form, which connected with lower forms, and through thinking without thought make words and meanings.
Truth is only direct conciousness moment in all, all others is reflection of Truth,
Good reflection of Truth is always Truth, because always is immanent direct conciousness moment.
Bad reflection of Truth is not Truth. But!
Truth is all, and "not Truth" is Truth, because "not Truth about nothing" as direct conciousness moment is Truth.
Soul as creation Truth and Will, directed to Truth and His Will.
May God Bless Your Soul

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Divine Record of God

Divine Record of God

Who direct know God never can't finish with direct knowing, and always when stopped seeking lose direct knowing God!

Divine Record (knowing direct God) only can become longer, and this is soul divine life.

God never can't be complete open for soul, because if this valid soul is greater then God.

Soul always have next step, and never end in direct knowing God, because this is God nature.

God can always take by surprise soul with new deeper knowing God.

God expansion as soul direct knowing is greater and beyond any thinking without thought.

Great Souls can comeback to lower regions through one of principle of conciousness which not complete resolve, and this doing only with purpose for helping others through this way.

Soul can lose own soul when permanent prefer any principle of conciousness then own Soul, through principles Love and Peace this doing only two Saints – Jesus and Basava!

Only when soul permanent lose all principles, or when nothing is double, or when all is one conciousness (or when perfect realized advaita state), soul became one with God.

Thanks Gurudev for Your Greatest Love!

May God Bless Your Soul

Branko Ivatovic

This is and short commentary of saying:

Winner is only that which never stopped seek God.

Winner is only that which never stopped seek God.

Winner is only that which never stopped seek God.

May God Bless Your Soul


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Principle beyond Principles

Principle beyond Principles

In One which is beyond highest principles is source all.
Purest conciousness is source without sourcing.
Principle which is superior all principles have higher nature principle.
Purest conciousness is sourcing each principle.
Purest conciousness is inside all and as outside reflections.

Purest conciousness principles are principle of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, Moon, Sun, and Soul, as One Principle.
Purest conciousness is nonseparate union highest static and highest dynamic principles.
Purest conciousness is deepest static conciousness or Truth, and deepest dynamic conciousness or Will.
Purest conciousness is all and all superior principles.
Purest conciousness is Absolute, or Our Source, or Linga.
Purest conciousness is Linga, or all union static and dynamic levels conciousness.
Purest conciousness is Linga, or all Reincarnations of One Conciousness.

Purest conciousness is souls which achieve Ahimsa.
Purest conciousness is god realized Soul.
Purest conciousness is souls which realized Highest Kevala (whole or pure) state.
Purest conciousness is souls which realized Highest Moksha (liberation, or beyond reincarnations) state.
Purest conciousness is souls which realized union with Linga (One conciousness), Guru (conciousness which give and open all conciousness) and Jangama (dynamic personal as impersonal conciousness).

May God Bless Your Soul

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Highest asking is in non-asking!

Highest asking is in non-asking!

When stopped asking, blessing coming!
When loss asking, blessings permanent follow you.
When loss ego tendency blessing ennoble each your thought.
When give complete self God, you start live with God।

May God Bless Your Soul

Permanent living with God (on any way) is best asking, isn't it?

Permanent living with God (on any way) is best asking, isn't it?

Living with God is highest (deepest) bhakti or highest concentration on love, isn't it?
Living with God is highest (deepest) karma, isn't it?
Living with God is highest (deepest) conciousness (fullness cognition conciousness), isn't it?
Living with God is highest (deepest) power (started only when refused all others powers), isn't it?

May God Bless Your Soul

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What is Real Beautiful?

What is Real Beautiful?

Real Beautiful started when all outside is as result deep inner manifestation.

Unuttered Beautiful started when all inner is beyond thoughts.

Inexpressible Beautiful started when all inner is beyond form.

Unreachable Beautiful started when all inner is beyond time.

When only one (Unuttered, Inexpressible or Unreachable) have all beautiful have.

Very good is finding beautiful in each thought which becomes as inner beautiful value.

Very good is finding beautiful in each form which becomes as inner beautiful value.

Very good is finding beautiful in each time which becomes as inner beautiful value.

Perfect is finding beautiful as good.

Perfect is finding beautiful as higher goal.

Perfect is finding beautiful as love.

Perfect is finding beautiful as reflection pure conciousness.

Perfect is finding beautiful as part of soul.

Conciousness is and Absolute Beautiful, which in inner and outside reflections is Real Beautiful।

May God Bless Your Soul


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This is love, isn't it?

This is love, isn't it?

Sharing pure love is best action, isn't it?
Heart is full pure love, and beautiful when can touch and share this, isn't it?
Pure love is endless spring, and best bath in love, isn't it?
Bliss (ananda) is pure love-fall which is soul nature, isn't it?
All pure love is God-fall which always flow to Our Source, isn't it?
All pure love is God-fountain overflow to Our Source, isn't it?
All pure love is God's love which permanent circulate between Our Source and all, isn't it?
Unending love is millionth part of infinite love-fall, isn't it?
Infinite love-fall is millionth part of termless love-fountain, isn't it?
Termless love-fountain is millionth part of deepest love-river, isn't it?
Deepest love-river is millionth part of formless love-spring, isn't it?
Formless love-spring is millionth part of soul, isn't it?
Soul is formed from 49 (7x7) invisible rays where 7 involved love, isn't it?

Our Source create soul with seven dimensions of love, isn't it!
May God Bless Your Soul

Quote about: conciousness, Pure love (unconditional), or bhakti, or when purest feeling became pure devotional, or soul, or drinking amrita, or Piyushayoga (Shivayoga), or Our Source.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Inspiration is higher then emptiness in word, thought and meaning

Inspiration is higher then emptiness in word, thought and meaning

Silence is higher then meaning, thought and word.
Usually lose connection with silence when accepted meaning and thought.
On this way when accepted word became very far from silence.
Alike as translucent crystal without light, is thought of word without meaning.
Alike as translucent crystal in low lighted room, is thought of word with one of meaning.
Alike as translucent crystal in lighted room, is thought of word with one of usually meaning.
Alike as translucent crystal in high lighted room, is thought of word with one of good meaning.
Alike as light of translucent crystal in high lighted room, is thought of word with one of perfect meaning.
Alike as light of translucent crystal in lighted light can't see, is meaning of word which coming as truly inspiration.

Deep concentration of meaning is always deeper then emptiness of word, thought and meaning.
Emptiness of word, thought and meaning is always deeper then word, thought and meaning.

Meaning from "support meaning as truly inspiration" is result deep concentration.

May God Bless Your Soul With Real Inspiration
