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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Chichchhakti is The Mental power, the power which generates thought!

("Thousands perfect results through Shivayoga practice")

Definition is:
Chichshakti - Shakti associated with Chit (eternal consciousness), Divine will of conscious power of God. Ichhashakti, Jnanashakti and Kriyashakti are the three parts. Chidbhakthi Bhakti.
Chichchhakti - Cicchakti (Sanskrit) [from chit thought + shakti power] Mental power, the power which generates thought.

When soul enter in deeper levels, then level realization this mental power, soul became near state of liberation or Moksha, but all this depend only of Paramparaguru's Grace which soul must first receive for achieve this mental power (and all what can potentially follow), and then can realized this mental power through truthful efforts (and all what can potentially follow).

All physical forms always have many levels and subtil physical vibrations, and this is (outside) sounds. All physical forms have physical radiation or reflection or absorption different energetic pulse. This is lights (infrared spectrum, visible spectrum, ultraviolet spectrum). This all vibrations conform or equal many thoughts, or each vibration have minimum one related thought!
Like this, inner sounds with inner lights is inner vibrations which produce inner spectrum, which is result different states thoughts of one or few chit shaktis or conciousness energies.
Like magnetic and electromagnetic fields which always in pairs and vertically live, Cicchakti can generate thought in vertically position, and then soul can enter in conciousness which is vertically to all (beyond space and time or moving). When soul can permanent reduce all disturbance (when this mental power with thoughts serve only this way in reducing disturbances), soul can enter deeper and deeper in highest levels of conciousness, and in same time accumulate this mental power.

All times when soul consciously learn how get vertically position on new form energy, soul can enter in deeper states of conciousness.

When soul operate with thoughts, each thought have and subtil vibrations (like subtil vibrations physical forms) which can produce disturbance always when soul live in conciousness states. This mental disturbance became operative only when mental power who produce thought have greater combinations chit shaktis then power chit shaktis in which can enter soul, or when thought have identical part vibrations with higher combinations chit shaktis in which can enter soul.

This outside vibrations (and lights) usually can disturb concentration, meditation samadhi or samyama states, because mind can became active with this physical impulses, and soul lose state of conciousness, or, soul get out from different conciousness states (in which live soul before this outside disturbance) when identify with thought about physical disturbance. Same valid and for mental disturbance (mental is deeper and not connected with physical levels), and same valid and for up mental level.

When complete realized all levels conciousness this disturbances can't have any effect and soul became liberated.

Disturbance can coming from this levels:

Physical level, and mental level of physical vibrations.
Physical level is physical vibrations. Mental level physical vibrations is mental vibrations physical level. Deeper is mental level physical vibrations from physical level, same valid and for conform vibrations. Feeling and willing state of conciousness, or awake conciousness contact outside with this levels.

Mental level without physical level, and mental level of mental vibrations without physical vibrations.
Mental level without physical level is mentals vibration without physical vibrations. Mental level of mental vibrations (without physical vibrations) is vibrations of mental level of mental vibrations without physical vibrations. Cognition and intuition state of conciousness, or sleep conciousness contact outside with this levels.

Level "up mental" level (when haven't mind activities), and level of vibrations level "up mental" level.
Level "up mental" level is vibrations of level "up mental" level. Level of vibrations level "up mental" level is vibrations level of vibrations level "up mental" level.
Execution and union state of conciousness, or deep sleep conciousness contact outside with this levels.

May God Bless Your Soul


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hara Hara Amarnatha Gange

Hara Hara Amarnatha Gange

(Croatian translation - hrvatski prijevod)

2x Hara Hara Amarnatha Gange,
Kashi Vishvanatha Gange
2x Kashi Amarnatha Gange,
Kashi Vishvanatha Gange
2x Hara Hara Gautami Gange,
Kashi Vishvanatha Gange
2x Kashi Gautami Gange,
Kashi Vishvanatha Gange
2x Hara, Hara Mahadeva Shambo,
Kashi Vishvanatha Gange
2x Kashi Vishvanatha Gange
Kashi Amarnatha Gange.
Gautami Gange . . . . .Hara, Hara
Narmade . . . . . . . . . .Hara, Hara
Jata Shankare . . . . . .Hara, Hara
Parvati Pate . . . . . . . .Hara, Hara
Bom Bom . . . . . . . . . Hara, Hara

Sve ili dio možemo ponavljati (imamo različite varijacije u tradiciji pjevanja tih božjih imena).
Slijedeća su značenje tih imena Boga, pokušaj ne odvajati značenja, jer sva imena su jako duboko isprepletena i povezana.

“Ovdje postoji jedno Biće, mudraci Ga zovu mnogim imenima.”

je Bog, O Bože također je, Hara Hara je i ono najviše što je u svemu.
Hara je Šiva, kao Onaj kreator pun milosti koji sve postavlja u bolje situacije,
Hara je i Harā Bərəzaitī, legendarna planina oko koje se okreću sve zvijezde i planete,
Hara je i ime jednog od četiri sjedišta Bića, koga zovemo solarni pleksus.
Hara znači Milosni, davaoc same milosti.
Hara je Bog same ljubavi, i Njegova ljubav može dati duši sve to.

je Besmrtni Bog,
Amaranatha je i Linga* (Besmrtna Linga**),
Amaranatha je i Linga od same svijesti,
Amaranatha je i pećina od te čiste svijesti (srce).
Amaranatha je i fizička Linga od leda (koja se formira u toj pećini kao stalagmit),
Amaranatha je znači i fizička pećina***.
Amaranatha je Bog same ljubavi i Njegova ljubav može dati duši sve to.
* Linga je Bog sam koji je učinio spot kao Njegovu Božansku Rezidenciju – odnosno On je Linga i točka božanskog svjetla na njoj.
** Ta pećina je povezana s tajnom besmrtnosti ili Amar Katha. Tu pećinu je izabrao Bhole Shankar kad je otkrio tajnu besmrtosti i kreacije univezuma Maa Parvati ji.
*** Besmrtni život po stihu Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram je život koji ima tri strane Istinu (Satyam), Dobro (Shivam) i Ljepotu (Sundaram).

Gange or Ganga or Ganges
ili (na Sanskritu) Ganges, je sveta rijeka u Indiji,
Ganga predstavlja i jako cijenjene nutarnje slobodne protoke,
Ganga je i vanjski znak onog što teče od natprirodnog bića do stvari,
Ganga je i duboka nutarnja forma koja teče od božanskog carstva do materijalnog svijeta,
Ganga predstavlja okultne snage koje sadrže protoke same mudrosti i snagu koja protiče od Raja do Zemlje,
Ganga predstavlja duboku protočnu formu od svih božanskih oblika svijesti do čovječanstva,
Ganga je ideja koja od “jednog momenta na dalje” sačuva istinite vrijednosti, prije nego trajno ljudski umovi shvate realnost duhovnih svjetova i njihove bliske međusobne povezanosti s regijama fizičkog prostora i vremena.
Ganga je Bog same ljubavi i Njegova ljubav može dati duši sve to.

Kashi je najsvetije mjesto na Zemlji,
Kashi is besmrtno mjesto (jer i kraj svijeta preživljava).
Kashi je mjesto za Mokshu ili Oslodođenje (koje se zove Samyugha ili Veliko Oslobođenje) i Gangu.
Kashi je jedno od triju**** Shiva-Shakti peetha (mjesto gdje je stalno prisutan Bog i njegova energija – mjesto stalno prisutne božanske snage),
Kashi je i Bog koji vječno živi s nama,
Kashi je Bog same ljubavi i Njegova ljubav može dati duši sve to.
**** Tri Shiva-Shakti Peethas su Vishwanatha hram u Kashiju ili Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh), zatim Mahakaleswara hram u Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh), i Hram Mallikarjuna Jyotir Linga.

Vishvanatha je Bog od svega univerzuma,
Vishvanatha je Bog koga zovu i Vishveshwar od Varanasi ili Kashi,
Vishhvanatha je i hram.
Vishwanatha je Bog same ljubavi i Njegova ljubav može dati duši sve to.

Gautami Gange je sveta rijeka Ganga,
Gautami Gange je sveta rijeka Ganga koje teče dolje, Bog (Shiva) je reako Gangi da ostane trajno dolje za dobrobit svih ljudi,
Gautami Gange je sveta rijeka Godavari, kraj Godavari Bog (Shiva) je prhvatio ovdje i kao svoju rezidenciju i učinio to mogućim kroz i danas jako dobro znano mjesto imenom Trimbakeshwar (Shiva čisti i ujedno čini dobro vječnim, i uništava svako zlo, i to na nebrojiv broj genijalnih načina iskaza njegove milosti prema svemu),
Gautami Gange je Bog same ljubavi i Njegova ljubav može dati duši sve to.

Mahadeva Shambo je Bog, Najviši Bog, Bog od svih Bogova, Otac, Krist Svijest, Krišna Babaji, Mahaavatar Babaji, Parameshwara (Absolut), Master (Učitelj), Bog najveće milosti i izvor najviših blagoslova i same ljubavi.

Nekoliko jednostavnih prijevoda:

Hara hara mahadeva Shambho/
Kashi vishvanatha Gange/
(Slava, slava velikom Bogu Shambhu/
Ganga rijeci koja teče blizu Vishvanatha hrama u Kashi Temple in Kashi (Benares) gradu (slava i hramu i Kashiju i Vishvanathu)/

Hare Hare Mahadeva Shambho, Kashi Vishwanatha Gange
Kashi Vishwanatha Gange ,Kashi Amarnatha Gange
Hare Hare Mahadeve Shambo, Kashi Vishnawatha Gange
Oh Bože Shiva rušitelju zla, s najvećim blagoslovima. Bog, Gospod od Univerzuma, od Benarasa, od Gange, od Kasi. Oh veliki uništavatelju zla Shiva, veliki Bože, Gospode od Kashi Benaras, od univerzuma od Gange

Uništavatelj zla (Hara), Veliki Bože (Mahadeva), Dobronamjerni koji daješ boravak u najvećoj sreći (Shambho),
Bože od univerzuma koji živiš kroz Gangu u Kashiju (Varanasi /Benares)

Pozdrav Hara Hara, Amaranatha, River Ganga,
Bogu od Kashija, Gange.
Pozdrav Hara Hara, rijeci Gautam Ganga,
Bogu od Kashi, Ganga.
Pozdrav rijeci Gautam Ganga, Hara Hara
Pozdrav rijeci Narmada, Hara Hara,
Najiskreniji pozdrav svemu što je isprepleteno sa Shivom, Hara Hara,
Najiskreniji pozdrav mužu od Parvati, Hara Hara.

Om Namah Shivaya
Je Šivina Mantra (molitva), božanskom uništavatelju svih negativnih tedencija. Šiva oslobađa kroz promjene i prevrate. Ekstremno pročišćavanje. Njegova mantra daje harmoniju i stabilnost, intuitivno znanje, integriranje uma i intelekta, jako veliku snagu u duhovnoju praksi i protekciju od negativne karma, daje sve duhovno i materijalno.

Hara Hara Mahadeva Shambho
Kashi Vishwanatha Gange

Kompletno se predajem Šivi, božanskom davacu sreće i punog uspjeha u svemu.

Ova devocijska pjesma je prekrasan božanski ključ za ulaz u božanske impulse besmrtnog života (jer to je otvoreno jedino potpunom predajom Bogu).


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hara Hara Amarnatha Gange

Hara Hara Amarnatha Gange

2x Hara Hara Amarnatha Gange,
Kashi Vishvanatha Gange
2x Kashi Amarnatha Gange,
Kashi Vishvanatha Gange
2x Hara Hara Gautami Gange,
Kashi Vishvanatha Gange
2x Kashi Gautami Gange,
Kashi Vishvanatha Gange
2x Hara, Hara Mahadeva Shambo,
Kashi Vishvanatha Gange
2x Kashi Vishvanatha Gange
Kashi Amarnatha Gange.
Gautami Gange . . . . .Hara, Hara
Narmade . . . . . . . . . .Hara, Hara
Jata Shankare . . . . . .Hara, Hara
Parvati Pate . . . . . . . .Hara, Hara
Bom Bom . . . . . . . . . Hara, Hara

Hara Hara Amarnatha Gange,
Kashi Vishvanatha Gange.

All or part can repeat (few different combinations have in traditions chanting this God’s names).

Next is meaning names of God in this devotional song,
try not separate this meanings because all this names is very deep interlaced and connected.

"There is one Being, the sages call him by many names."

is Shiva as the regenerator,
Hara is and Harā Bərəzaitī, is the name given to a legendary mountain around which the stars and planets revolve.
Hara is and a name for the (one of setting) center of the being or Solar Plexus.
Hara is God of pure love and His love can give soul all this.

is The Immortal Lord,
Amaranatha is and Linga* (The Immortal** Linga),
Amaranatha is and Linga of Pure Conciousness,
Amaranatha is and Cave of Pure Conciousness (Heart),
Amaranatha is and Ice Linga,
Amaranatha is and Cave***.
Amaranatha is God of pure love and His love can give soul all this.
Linga is The Lord himself has declared this spot as His Royal residence.
** This cave connected with: The secret of immortality or Amar Katha. This is The Cave which was chosen by Bhole Shankar for narrating the secrets of immortality and creation of Universe to Maa Parvati ji.
*** The Immortal Life is according to the verse Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram - the life is described as having three facets Truth (Satyam), Good (Shivam) and the Beautiful (Sundaram).

Gange or Ganga or Ganges
Ganga (Sanskrit) the Ganges, the sacred river of India,
Ganges is and highly revered streams,
Ganges is and outside sign of the flowing from spirit to matter,
Ganges is and deep inner form which flowing from celestial realms to material,
Ganges is occult forces including streams of wisdom and power flowing from heaven to earth,
Ganges or deep flowing form of Gods to mankind,
Ganges is the idea which once understood kept perennially before people's minds the reality of the spiritual worlds and their intimate interconnection with the realms of physical space and time.
Ganga is Goddess of pure love and Her love can give soul all this.

Kashi is holiest place on the Earth.
Kashi is immortal place.
Kashi is the place for Moksha or Liberation (with name Samyugha) and Ganga.
Kashi is and one of three**** Shiva-Shakti peetha (permanent live God With His Energy – fullest place of God’s strenght).
Kashi is and God which permanent live with.
Kashi is God of pure love and His love can give soul all this.
**** Shiva-Shakti Peethas are the Vishnanatha Temple in Kashi or Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh), and the Mahakaleshwara Temple in Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh), and Temple of the Mallikarjuna Jyotir Linga.

is the Lord of All Things,
Vishvanatha is the Lord Vishveshwar of Varanasi or Kashi.
Vishwanatha is God of pure love and His love can give soul all this.

Gautami Gange is holy river Ganga.
Gautami Gange is holy river Ganga which flow down, Lord Shiva told Ganga to stay there eternally for the good of all the people.
Gautami Gange is holy river Godavari, near Godavari Lord Shiva agreed to reside here and assumed the famous name Trimbakeshwar (Shiva is the purifier and perpetuator of good and destroyer of evil),
Gautami Gange is Goddess of pure love and Her love can give soul all this.

Mahadeva Shambo is Highest God, God of Gods, Father, Christ Consciousness, Krishna Babaji or Mahaavatar Babaji, Parameshwara, Master, Lord of Greatest Grace full with greatest blessings and Love.

Few outside translations:

Hara hara mahadeva Shambho/
Kashi vishvanatha Gange/
(Praises, praises to the great god, Shambho/
The Ganges river flows by Vishvanatha (Lord of All Things) Temple in Kashi city (Benares)/

Hare Hare Mahadeva Shambho, Kashi Vishwanatha Gange
Kashi Vishwanatha Gange ,Kashi Amarnatha Gange
Hare Hare Mahadeve Shambo, Kashi Vishnawatha Gange
Oh Lord Shiva the destroyer, great blessings. God, Lord of the universe, of Benaras, of the Ganga . Lord of the universe of the Ganga of Amarnath, of Kasi Benaras. Oh great destructor Shiva, great God, Lord of Kasi Benaras, of the universe of the Ganga

The destroyer (Hara), the Great Lord (Mahadeva), the Beneficient, the Abode of Joy (Shambho),
the Lord of the universe who lives by the Ganges at Kashi (Varanasi /Benares)

Hail to Hara Hara, Amaranatha, River Ganga,
Lord of Kashi, Ganga.
Hail to Hara Hara, River Gautam Ganga,
Lord of Kashi, Ganga.
Hail to Gautam Ganga, Hara Hara
hail to River Narmada, Hara Hara,
Hail to the matted locks of Shiva, Hara Hara,
Hail to the husband of Parvati, Hara Hara.

Om Namah Shivaya
Mantra for Shiva, the Divine Destroyer of negative tendencies. Shiva liberates through change and upheaval. Greatly purifying, his mantra gives harmony and poise, intuitive knowledge, integration of mind and intellect, great strength in spiritual practices, and protection from negative karma.

Hara Hara Mahadeva Shambho
Kashi Vishwanatha Gange

Prostrations to Shiva, grantor of happiness and prosperity.

This devotional song is (and) beautiful divine key for enter in divine pulse immortal life.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Doctrine Infinity Element

Doctrine Infinity Element

Yes, dear soul, next is complete correct.

Pure love is best: and medicine, and base for meditation, and for any good think.

Through my spiritual healing and helping in yoga (more then 20 years doing this free of charge), I can speak through self experiences, but base have in my Gurudev's teachings. One very old theory exist (this became secret because people lose this crucial knowledge).

This is Doctrine Infinity Element. Have many infinity elements: and logical, and intellectual, and up this which is only crucial.

Simplest rule (rules) is in next!

Crucial is: all is categorized, and highest ideas which can't accept intellect.

We must only start do one think (in every next moment our life): start permanent live with this ideas which is up our intellect.

All have strictly hierarchy, and this Highest Ideas (which always up every intellect accepting), such and souls which complete realized this highest different levels which indicated this ideas!

Soul became through higher ideas which implement in life, like this highest souls which give soul support only through this ideas.

Only "good" terms like soul, God, love, good, ethic, truth, bhakti, devotion, consciousness, conciousness, samyama, awareness, perfect character, ahimsa, grace and similar can open and awake soul on higher levels on conciousness.

Sickness is only actual outside indication for change character on the better, and can't be any real conviction! Soul usually have 1000 reincarnations for finish with change character through all levels to perfect character. With intensive practice Doctrine Infinity Element this time became shortest, and all this soul can finish in one or few lifes, of course this result is open only through Master's love!

All real teachings is only part of Doctrine Infinity Element!

May prayer is:

May God Bless Your Soul With Direct Knowing One Of Infinity Element
He Prabho Praseed Aum


Thursday, March 13, 2008

How do I find my Guru?


Topic is:
How do I find my Guru?

Soul wait many traps when mental want find Guru.
Good is if next words soul complete heartily accept as truth, each opposite soul's thinking became potentially dangerous for souls (with very bad result through new bad karma).

Guru wait soul, never Guru must search devotee.
Devotee never can't find Guru, this complete depend only of Guru love.
Without sign Guru's love soul can start with permanent doing only good. First the meeting point between Guru and devotee is this crucial moment in soul life.

When soul ready for teaching, Guru coming in His home, or Guru arrange through one of soul interest (and) first the meeting point (of course and all next)!

As usually nobody can't find Guru.
Soul who without direct support Guru love find Guru, must be greater or minimum same with this type Guru!

Only perfect devotee can find perfect Guru, because only this the meeting point is complete divine, and only few times in history have this the meeting point! Guru usually many lifes wait only one great devotee. First the meeting point between perfect Guru Animisha and perfect His devotee Alama Prabhu is excellent example for this!

If soul only want and only insist in self-finding Guru, soul find Guru which not much greater from soul, or in many cases Guru is lower, because soul must first purify this egoistic character (of course this result can have and when not follow this text).
If soul ask miracle as good sign, this is very wrong way. Sahasrara connected with many siddhis. Sahasrara (and siddhis based in sahasrara) is higher then lower six chakras and theirs siddhis. Sahasrara is only causal worlds which is very dangerous and where dominant negative power. Soul must know next: yoga start up sahasrara. Usually today Guru have few siddhis this chakras.
If Guru want publicity, spread books, ask cash for spiritual, and similar actions, soul can only forget this Guru.
Usually Guru which public show siddhis have very difficult life and karma, and can't have realized devotee.
If Guru ask cash, or nothing, annul this Guru as potential your Guru.
If Guru show ego tendency, this is very bad sign.
If Guru haven't love for you or any His devotee, you can only forget this potential Guru.
Guru never expect anything from anybody!
Guru must have qualification for higher yoga, because yoga start from sahasrara chakra up!
If Guru your (potential) Guru is great Guru, this is usually not sign about greatness your (potential) Guru. This is trap for soul in much more then 99.99% cases.
Remember, Guru your (potential) Guru can be only your real Guru, not this His devotee which became new Guru! Guru Lineage, and first former is always Guru all next Gurus and devotees! Guru is One - valid for all, and for all Guru lineage. Our Source or God is One, and as Our Master is One!
All Gurus which change yoga, have yoga for new age, new yoga, .. and similar syntagma only you can forget.
Guru which change techniques which receive from Guru (without direct help and request from Guru) only can forget. (Because.) Guru which greater then His Guru not good for any deep teaching.
Guru must have and show all divine qualities.

If you have fortune and find real Guru, He can accept you and teach you, or send you your real Guru which can do all this. This is very good sign if know this type Guru (of course and with all previous good qualities). And this fortune soul can receive only through Guru's Grace (your Guru).

Each soul can have only related Guru.

I try only help for better accept your position through my understanding teachings my Gurudev. I incorporate many Gurudev's saying in this short article.

You can only test Guru, but (not forget) result test is only for annul potential Guru with your list (all Gurus which you know live and dead). Your test can't have qualify for determination which is your Guru, only for annul with list..

Guru is in your heart (conciousness space) and wait each soul eons, and wait you soul dear friend. Not ask Guru in form, try find Guru deepest inside your conciousness. One day you accept Divine Personal Radiant Light as your Guru, which only can give you unity with Linga, Guru, Jangama and Prasada through Guru Love, which gradually through deepest levels inner sound and light discovers fulness this unity.

I am not Guru (I have permission for Linga Diksha), but only when you heartily want I can direct give all basic informations for this excellent praxis (Shivayoga and Praarthanaa yoga). When your praxis became full love, your Guru coming first in your conciousness, and you start listen inner sounds and see inner lights.

With your good efforts you can only properly fill time in waiting your Guru, which love only can remove thousand your reincarnations on few (or last).

My prayer is:

May Lord Shambhu Bless Your Soul With Guru


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mantra 1.


I start today with this few informations about mantras which you can find on few web pages.

There are five elements in our body - Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Space. The seed mantra of Earth element is 'Lam'. Lam activates the Earth element located in the center of energy or shakti kendra which is the home of Apan pran. The practice of Lam affects the area of the heart and improves our health. Hram, Hrim, Hrum, Hraum and Hrah are seed mantras that are especially beneficial for strengthening of the lungs. A few key mantras are presented below:

Om Aim Om Namah – This enhances memory

Om Hrim Arham Namah – This enhances family peace.

Om Phum Kshvim Hrim Aim Namah Thah Thah Thah Svaha – This is chanted for a safe journey

Hrum Hrum – This helps overcome insomnia

Om Kshaum Kshaum – This relieves tension

Om Shante Prashante Sarvakrodhopashmani Svaha – This helps overcome anger

Om Hrim Shrim Arham Rishabhadevaya Namah – This helps overcome fear

Om Hrim Shrim Bhagavate Parshvanathaya Hara Hara Svaha – This relieves anxiety

Anantaviyebhyo Namah – This relieves despondency

Om Namo Ujjumaijinanam Hram Hrim – This helps in attaining mental peace

Om Hrim Arham Namah Kshim Svaha – This helps overcome obstacles

Om Hrim Vare Survare A Si Aa Si U Sa Namah – This bestows prosperity

I collect informations about more then hundred bija mantras all kinds, many thousands mantras, and this public in next articles.

One must be clear. You can use any mantra, but effect usually not follow your japa/praxis. Why? Secret is simple, with repeating mantra self-acting on any way (loudly, whisper or mental) soul haven't result, because soul must only personal receive Mantra Diksha (any group way initiation not exist, and not any book way initiation, and you must forget all this sources which spread this wrong informations). Off course with this wrong way few souls have many problems and many soul have little problems.

I am and spiritual healer and receive only extreme patients which nobody can help. People can have great psychic problems because repeating millions times mantra without initiation usually increase bad mind activities. Like sportsman which work on physical body (and today partial on the psychic body), soul which practice any spiritual technique (without valid initiation) haven't result in yoga (unity), only can increase energy which not harmonized bodies, chakras, mind and produces new karmic activities. Theirs minds only produce deeply bad thinking which became and fast, and this is base for all problems which follow.

Few basic rules of Mantra Diksha or mantra initiation:

Perfect meditation mantra praxis must complete harmonized and include both parts with many shiva (static form awareness) and many shakti (dynamic form awareness) bija mantras.

Initiation must be completed and with mantra and for each bija mantra.

Complete real invocation is crucial, or only real connection with Shakti pinda,..

Without God or total awareness which must be present in initiation soul can't receive complete all parts mantra initiation. If God not involved in imitation soul not receive (any level or complete) initiations.

When received initiation from individual soul (according Kashmir Shavism we have nine types Gurus), this will be maximum on one level lower then realized conciousness this individual soul.

Never can't give cash or nothing for initiation - and who ask nothing for initiation, and who giving nothing for initiation, go to hell. Only sattvic or pure way accept. Nobody can't go to God for cash dear, only to hell! Today this wrong practice (asking nothing for any spiritual purpose) very easy accept almost all, this is highest horror! Your love is only one way, and only what you must and can give God, Gurudev and Jangama!
Good matter in this is: only few souls can give real initiation, and this great souls not public, and not want (and not accept) your cash or nothing for initiation.

Have many levels in realization mantra. This is only one part of base for 218 levels (this teach me Gurudev) which open for complete God realization. I give few basic informations about this (you have first email about 36 samyamas in first level)!

Valid mantra Diksha is very important.

Excellent is when soul practices prayers with asking real Mantra Diksha.

I can help and with next spiritual praxis.
One very easy way for start with real spiritual praxis is repeating Mahamantra - He Prabho Praseed Aum - O God Bless Soul. I can give direct all informations about this International Circle of Praarthanaa Yoga (or Prayer Yoga which from fifty years last century is active). Off course, I have and permission for spread Praarthanaa Yoga!

My prayer now is:

May God Bless Your Soul With Full Mantra Diksha

- Mahapratibhawan

Monday, March 10, 2008

Glory Of Love

Glory Of Love

God permanent giving love each soul, but usually soul can't recognized love on any conciousness way, or have very short time this pure love, or start permanent live with God's love, what is enter in great realization of Enlightenment.

God love all, but God for truthfully love can give soul always much greater love then for any other way.

Always and immediately, God give soul love and this depend only of capacity love which can receive soul, and this capacity must before receive through God's Grace!

God's Grace is complete, permanent and multiply giving love soul, and all which connected with soul and help for completed and enter deeper in intensive levels love.

Only one is absolute sure, which love soul have before dead time, minimum with this love soul reborn again and again! (Off course Soul can receive much more love when go through bardo states and when enter in new etherical and physical body). Only few souls enter in paradise, only when realized conciousness about love or Enlightenment state.

May God Bless Your Soul With Much More Love

- Mahapratibhawan

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Significance Cosmic feet is great on many ways!

Significance Cosmic feet is great on many ways!

Many accept: Soul can see (maximum) only Cosmic feet!

For many soul important position of Cosmic feet is minimum one of next teachings.
Accepting Avatar doctrine.
Accepting God in Form and beyond form.
Accepting soul as smallest part of God (Our Source).
Accepting Guru place.
Accepting God Grace as our way to God.
Accepting Guru Grace as only valid and one way to God.
Accepting gradation in accomplish part to part conciousness to total awareness.
Accepting soul or individual conciousness and reincarnation as only one solution in creation.
Accepting only One Conciousness, or yoga doctrine.

- Mahapratibhawan

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Perfect Soul Is Total Awareness!

Perfect Soul Is Total Awareness!

Soul not follow any tradition.
Soul only can follow what is same in any tradition.
Soul follow heart (pure consciousness) activities.
Soul only follow pure consciousness way.
Soul never touch outside levels because in consciousness haven't any distinction between object and knowledge about object.
Soul is perfect in untouchable working because not separation (in consciousness) idea about thing of work and idea working on this thing.
Soul usually is between total awareness and outside consciousness (waking, sleep, deep sleep consciousness).
When complete finish with develop all levels consciousness (first became soul of waking, then sleep and last soul of deep sleep consciousness) soul became perfect.
Perfect Soul Is Total Awareness, because then haven't any wall between Soul and Our Source!
This is end, or highest last point which is and first.
Now not start, not end, not first, not last, not any word or any separate idea in consciousness, this is start with levels beyond hyper consciousness.
All what for brilliant mind is known, and all what for brilliant intellect accept as unknown, soul always beyond this.
Soul never can be mater mind and intellect, because awareness can't put in mind and intellect.

- Mahapratibhawan

Friday, March 07, 2008

Because this is love!

Because this is love!

Love always changeable all on the better (because this is love)!
Love always increase all on the higher value (because this is love)!
Love always purify all on the perfect stages (because this is love)!
Love always does all greater (because this is love)!
Love always grow (because this is love)!
Love always inseparable (because this is love)!
Love always is superior then any feeling (because this is love)!
Love always is superior then any willing (because this is love)!
Love always is superior then any knowing (because this is love)!
Love always is superior then any intuition (creation) (because this is love)!
Love always is superior then any execution (because this is love)!
Love always is superior then any union (because this is love)!

- Mahapratibhawan

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Maha Shivaratri is very important!

Dear soul,

Maha Shivaratri is very important, this is Greatest night or best Divne
day, our mind and intellect on the smallest ways can disturb soul

May Lord Shambhu Bless Your Soul

Thanks Lord Shambhu For All!


Happy Maha Shivaratri!

Dear seeker truth,

Emails with subject "Chakras", "Paltu_Saheb_1 " and "Re: [sant_santati] Unravel the Fourteen Inner Levels Within You .." involved information about main chakras.

Today we lose as truly meaning yoga, Guru and religion base, because lose knowledge about our real nature. Only few Gurus which not public can help us. About urdhva chakras, urdhva kundalinis, purna kundalini and kick kundalini (which give us direct experiences of God) teach us only few souls in human history.

Yoga start up sahasrara is saying our Father, or Christ consciousness, or Babaji Mahaavatar, or Krishna Babaji, or Ansha, or Real Shiva.which live and in body and never born, or Avatar in all main avatars. Master always with us. Master is here. Please, try find Father in your heart (consciousness space - "urdhva anahata chakra"), He always wait each soul which heartily ask His help. Surrender with Love or Our Father is simplest and only valid way. He is God, Gurudev, Jangama and deepest God Grace.

He is all and in All is First and base!

Father many times and through activities His body help us, teach us and through many great souls send us power and knowledge about all. Shiva is Greatest One and He is permanent in all. His Love is part and our creation and our life. We complete in each our level is only part of Shiva Love.

Repeating Om Namah Shivaya is easy way, direct surrender God, direct accepting all is God's and God. And one only one truthfully repeating this holiest mantra is enough. Please start repeating and try find this One repeating with your all love, and Shiva give you much greater love. This is easy and only real way. Thanks dear soul.

Happy Maha Shivaratri!
